
Showing posts from July, 2021

How to Become an RTO: Becoming a Registered Training Organisation

  A Registered Training Organisation (RTO) is an Australian government-approved organisation that provides training and assessment in a number of industry sectors. Becoming an RTO is a lengthy process that requires lots of paperwork, fees, and other associated costs — but it can also be an important business decision for many businesses. Registrations Training Organisations (RTOs) in the Australian vocational education and training sector are entitles to deliver a range of Australia- and internationally recognised qualifications and courses leading to recognised occupations. The good news is that it can be broken down into distinct phases. Let’s take a look at what you need to do to become an RTO . Becoming a Registered Training Organisation (RTO) is a useful way for any business to add an extra stream of revenue while also growing their staff’s skill sets. Trainers who are either full-time or part-time can seek accreditation from registered training organisations. The process

What’s in your Assessment Validation Checklist?

  We’ve all heard the saying, “you can’t manage what you don’t measure.” On the flip side, “if you can’t measure it, you can’t improve it.” Whether you have an internal process for validating your assessments or rely on peer-reviewed journals, including key stakeholders, to determine accuracy and merit, having a framework in place is imperative for ensuring that assessments from multiple sources are credible. An Assessment Validation Checklist should be a key tool in any successful assessment strategy . It will identify any gaps in your assessment process and highlight key areas of improvement. If you’ve ever worked in the academic fields, chances are you had to fill out an assessment validation checklist. An assessment or evaluation is the formal process of determining or judging a learner’s abilities, characteristics, aptitudes, skills, or fitness for a specific purpose. The purpose of this checklist is to ensure that the test being developed and used has been reviewed thorough

Compliance Issues with Training and Assessment

  Training and assessment are necessary for our business growth. But how can we comply with training and assessment compliance issues? As you know, you are responsible for making sure that your RTO’s compliance and risk management processes are in place. But where, specifically, do you turn when you need help with the compliance requirements for training and assessment programs? As an RTO , you could be asked to conduct training and/or assessment activities that need to be compliant with federal or state law or regulation. Or, you might need assistance understanding these laws and regulations so that you can comply with them. Training and assessment are important for all RTOs; but, many of them are struggling with compliance issues around training and assessment — issues that could be putting their business at risk. RTOs are under huge pressure to deliver assessments that are both ‘valid’ and ‘reliable’. The stakes are high — if they don’t, then the curriculum, the resources