Compliance Issues with Training and Assessment


Training and assessment are necessary for our business growth. But how can we comply with training and assessment compliance issues?

As you know, you are responsible for making sure that your RTO’s compliance and risk management processes are in place. But where, specifically, do you turn when you need help with the compliance requirements for training and assessment programs?

As an RTO, you could be asked to conduct training and/or assessment activities that need to be compliant with federal or state law or regulation. Or, you might need assistance understanding these laws and regulations so that you can comply with them.

Training and assessment are important for all RTOs; but, many of them are struggling with compliance issues around training and assessment — issues that could be putting their business at risk.

RTOs are under huge pressure to deliver assessments that are both ‘valid’ and ‘reliable’. The stakes are high — if they don’t, then the curriculum, the resources, the training and support that is provided to teachers can be deemed invalid and unreliable.

Here are some of the most common assessment issues identified by ASQA during audits:

·         Insufficient marking guide or assessment criteria

·         Insufficient instructions for the learners and the assessors to carry out the assessment task

·         Ineffective mapping

·         Ineffective third-party observation tools

If you’re a Registered Training Organisation, you know your business is a 24/7 endeavour. From constantly updating your training material to supporting your students, it’s a hard job. And when it comes to the assessment of your RTO, you want to make sure that you’re fulfilling your obligations and providing quality services to your students.


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