Are RPL Kits Needed For RTOs?

 When you operate an RTO within Australia, it is a rather huge and costly enterprise. Before we learned from ASQA and validated the information if RPL kits are a requisite for RTOs, we have deduced that it is an obligation to really have them, especially for the international learners.

However, a recent update shows that RPL kits and guides are not always necessary for the training products. This is according to the auditor’s interpretation on this matter.

 How did ASQA describe the necessity of RPL kits?

 ASQA’s stance regarding the requirement of RPL kits for RTO was that prior to learning the different units, every learner must recognise and take the RPL assessment. This was made to accept the students’ current capabilities and skills, to estimate the cost related to the learning units, and to lessen the span of time needed for them to get certified.

 This recognition is preferred by most auditors. The downside to this is that it will still be a tad pricey since students are required to get the RPL kits, regardless if they are needed for their learning units or not.

With CAQA Resources, we believe that there should be a proper process and approach for RPL kits. We deem it that students are required to take an RPL assessment only if they want it. We believe this to be a more constructive approach to minimise the extra cost that students pay for getting the RPL kits when it is not exactly needed for their learning units.

Operating an RTO is a serious venture that even auditors and ASQA recognises. However, requiring RPL kits is a pain point that needs to be addressed since we perceive it as an unreasonable proposition for students to incur additional expenses, which will result in monetary strains.

 Education is an essential part of our industry. We know that it is needed to achieve a deeper knowledge and understanding of a collection of subjects to be applied to daily life and work. It is also the one industry that has been greatly affected by the pandemic, which is why we have positioned ourselves to give quality results with our learning system rather than having students spend extra for unneeded RPL kits.

 The latest confirmation from ASQA regarding this issue presents a progressive movement for the learning trade, and one that we fully support.

If the RPL Assessment Kits are something that you have always had a concern with for your RTO, get in touch with our team of experts so we can examine and explain about how we can assist you in minimising and assessing the cost while still complying to the specifications of RTOs.



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