What RTOs need to consider when purchasing quality training resources?

Developing your own training and assessment resources has its advantages. You can use them to develop a multi-modal learning experience that incorporates the use of technology, simulations, and other learning resources. But developing your own RTO resources is costly and time-consuming process. 

There are many benefits to using these resources:

Faster time to market. The cost of developing your own training materials can be prohibitive for some RTOs. It can take weeks or months to write, edit, test and deliver a new course. By purchasing an already developed course, you can get it up and running much more rapidly than if you were to create all the materials yourself.

The content is likely to be reviewed by experts who know what they are talking about and can offer advice on how best to format the material for print or digital delivery.

An RTO may choose to use a range of different materials, but there are certain elements that need to be present in all of them. They must contain clear objectives, learning outcomes and assessment criteria; they should also be developed using industry standards or guidelines and should be linked with other online resources.

Training and assessment materials can take many forms. The most common examples include:

- manuals or guides

- PowerPoint presentations

- lesson plans or modules

RTOs need to make sure that the training and assessment resources they purchase are of a high standard.

There are many reasons why this is so, but here are just three:

The first reason is that it will help your RTO achieve its quality standards. If you buy poor-quality resources, it will become more difficult for your RTO to achieve its quality standards.

The second reason is that it makes it harder for your RTO to meet its contractual obligations with the government or other funding bodies. If you buy poor-quality resources, it will be much harder for your RTO to meet its contractual obligations with the government or other funding bodies.

The third reason is that poor quality training and assessment resources can actually cost your RTO money in the long run.



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